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Period Power!


Join Period Health Coach, E-RYT Bekah Andrew for a four-week integrative course on the science-backed method of cycle syncing. This course will teach you how to work with your flow instead of against it. You will learn how to support your hormones through food, exercise, and energy management to promote balance and longevity.


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What if I told you that your hormones hold the key to living a full, vibrant life? One that works with you and not against you?! Cycle-syncing teaches you how to work with your hormones so you can feel good in your body all month long!




  • The 4 phases of your cycle and what is happening during each phase

  • Food to support you during each phase. Food is the KEY to managing hormones!

  • Recipes for each phase of your cycle

  • How to cure PMS and cramping

  • How to optimize your workouts (hint: cardio at the wrong time could be triggering fat storage!)

  • Rituals and self-care practices that tune you into your inherent wisdom as a menstruator

  • PLUS! Four pre-recorded 30-min yoga practices for each phase of your cycle that can be practiced at your convenience

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Bekah began cycle syncing after painfully experiencing UTI’s every month right before her period. She sought countless medical treatments only to be told that it was a common experience of women and basically to just deal with it. She stumbled upon a blog that said that the recurring UTI’s could be related to IUD’s. She removed her IUD and her UTI’s reduced by 90%. Because of her poor reaction to hormonal birth control, and not willing to put any more foreign objects in her body, she needed a way to prevent pregnancy. This led her to FAM: Fertility Awareness Method through Alisa Vitti’s book The Woman Code. She learned that women are most susceptible to UTI’s and vaginal infections right before their period since that is when hormones are at their lowest. The information in this book completely changed her understanding and outlook on periods and hormonal health. Since then she has been actively learning and applying these methods into her life. She is a yoga teacher and has studied Earth Wisdom practices which she weaves into the course.


My greatest takeaway from this course was the realization that I can shift the way I interact with my menstrual cycle and use that natural rhythm as a way to honor and know myself more deeply. For years, I only thought of my period as a burden, but now I am able to see it as a tool to help me cultivate my own inner wisdom and power
— Christina H.
I loved learning just how powerful and connected our bodies are to our minds. I expected to learn the ‘how’s’ and ‘what’s’ of cycle syncing (foods, exercise, etc.), but I did not anticipate such a noticeable effect on both my physical and emotional self. Our bodies really do react to how we treat them and what we feed them - since I began implementing cycle syncing practices into my daily life, I have felt more ‘myself’ than I have in a very long time - mentally and emotionally.
— Megan H.
Bekah is a thoughtful, knowledgeable, and delightfully approachable teacher. She skillfully creates a safe space for us to talk about some very personal and intimate subjects in this class. I found the course to be full of useful information that Bekah was able to share in a caring and informed manner. It’s one of the most empowering courses I’ve taken in a long time and I only wish I would have learned this information earlier in life! I think this course is a must for anyone with a menstrual cycle!
— Erika H.
I cannot tell you how mind-blowing amazing this has been. If I could buy this course for all the women in my life I would.
— Laura Q.
The tips and tricks for different phases of my cycle were LIFE CHANGING, but my favorite part of the course was the sense of community. Hearing from this group of women, all with different stories and perspectives (with Bekah as our fearless leader!) cultivated a safe and comfortable space to share our deeply personal experiences with our periods and womanhood in general.
— Megan E.


own your period potential!

Stay tuned for upcoming courses: