Bekah Andrew




Ready to take your practice to a whole new level? Join Bekah and her partner Nick for a live DJ yoga practice blending the magic of yoga with the power of music. Yoga and music have a powerful way of impacting body & mind, bringing them together will invigorate your practice and revitalize your life.



Bekah has been teaching yoga for over 10 years. She has a passion for music, earth wisdom and loves giving the juiciest hands-on adjustments. She is a creative sequencer which helps you stay engaged in the practice and often leads you into poses you never thought were possible.


period health

Tune into the natural rhythms of your cycle to empower and benefit your life. Bekah teaches menstruators how to track and live in tune with their cycle. Cycle syncing teaches you how to relieve symptoms of PMS, painful periods, and much more. It’s time to step into your period potential!
